Sunday, November 30, 2008

Home at Last

Laura and I got home with Lila we were happy to be home and i guess Lila was to cuz she was knockout. 11/29/08

First Car Ride

Lila Marie's first car ride its was the first day we got out the hosptal going home to Lauras house.



Lilias first time to take her BoBo. 11/29/08

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mommy and Baby

Laura had a great labor of a wonderful and thankin day "11/27/08" of a 15 hour labor but she only had to push for 45 min. I'm guessing she didn't have any turkey lol.

Daddy and Baby

It is a great day "11/27/08" and also a very thankful day as Lila Marie Bell-Alvarez comes to this world. Even the scary that Lila has there was a bond.

Lila Marie

Lila Marie Bell-Alvarez Born 11/27/08 at Shady Grove arriving at 9:55 by Dr. Tran. She is weighing in at 6lb 8oz her height in at 19in. Looking extra cute Lila also looks like she is going to have blue eyes.